Friday, April 9, 2010

Malaysia Strengthens Prime Security Points To Ward Off Terrorism

The police confirmed that there were ten internationally wanted criminals involved in terrorist activities sneaked into Malaysia. After these terrorist suspects were arrested and later on sent for deportation, the Government's security units have now identified certain "high security risk areas."
These high security risk areas have included some important infrastructure and big foreign investment plants. Thorough the security provided by the security units, these high risk security areas have now been upgraded as "prime security zone" to ensure against damage and destruction by terrorists.

Class One Protection Sites
It is learned that, in addition to the Petronas Twin Towers and the KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Center) Mall that have already been listed in the Gazette as top security protection area, other "prime security areas" have also included large scale basic infrastructure, water supply and catchment areas, military zones, main transportation hubs and major foreign investment factories.
The Malaysian security units will ensure that these prime security areas are well protected by the Government by giving these sites more stringent controls and regular security checks. When Ministry of Home Affairs Secretary General Datuk Seri Mahmood Adam accepted Nanyang Siang Pau's query on this area of development, he said that after the police arrested ten wanted international criminals involved in terrorist activities, the Government felt that there was a need for Malaysia to strengthen security prevention work.

Identification of High Security Risk Areas
He said it was necessary for the Government to identify the domestic "high security risk areas" and then classify them as "prime security zones" just in case these sites were under terrorist attacks. These are all important areas, security at these sites and zones must be strengthened!
Datuk Seri Mahmood Adam said that during the first phase of the implementation of "high-risk security sites," the Ministry of Home Affairs worked with the Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan state security authorities. They held a meeting on 24 March to identify the "high risk areas" and classify them as "prime security zones." He revealed that in the coming days, the Ministry of Home Affairs will also meet with other relevant security authorities in other states in the identification of "high risk areas" in these states and to focus them as prime security sites or zone as well.
Large Scale Foreign Investment Factories
Datuk Seri Mahmood Adam said: "Security Measure in prime security zones would be upgraded in term of security measure. People going in and out in these areas or sites will subject to stringent security check. Visitors and workers going in and out of these areas will need to bring with them specific identification cards. They will also be subject to strict inspection.

Mahmood Adam said that the Home Affairs Ministry has so far only identified the prime security areas in the state of Selangor and Penang. The Home Affairs Ministry would also look into other states' prime security sites. He added that certain large scale foreign investment plants would also be listed as prime security zones or areas. This was because these foreign investment plants would help the police to make advanced walkie-talkie communication systems.
Some of the walkie-talkie radio used by the police can allow the intended elements to hear the police's conversations. When the police use advanced walkie-talkie radio to communicate, they will not hear what the police's conversation. Mahmood Adam disclosed that Minister of Home Affairs Hishammuddin would announce more information about the "prime security areas" on 2 April.

Connection With international Terrorist Organizations
In addition, in response to the question raised about the 10 wanted international criminals involved in terrorist activities, Datuk Seri Mohmood Adam said out of 10 terrorist suspects arrested by the police, one of them was a Malaysian.

In January 2010, Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin confirmed that the police have used the Internal Security Act to arrest the ten international criminals involved in terrorist activities. Among them, only one was a Malaysian. The Home Affairs Minister said all these people have connection with international terrorist organizations.

Home Affairs Secretary General Mahmood Adam said that at present Malaysia has been working very closely with global counterterrorism organizations and to follow up with international anti-terrorist organizations' effort to arrest the wanted global terrorists if they came to Malaysia. He stressed that any people with ties with international terrorist organizations could pose serious security threat to Malaysia.

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