Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Continued Assaults on Students To Strain India-Australia Relations

The murder of an Indian student in Melbourne is enough to prove that the Australian Government is not at all committed to prevent assaults on Indians. Its sole interest seems to be that such incidents are not believed to be racial attacks. Since only Indians are being targeted, the obvious conclusion bound to be drawn is that Indians are becoming prey of violence because of racialism.

Implementation of New Law
If it is assumed even for the sake of argument that this is not so, then it becomes the responsibility of the Australian Government to give a plausible explanation for these attacks. It is frustrating to find the Australian Government unable to stop attacks on Indians, and to take necessary steps to discourage forces that are targeting Indian students.
The Australian media has suggested the implementation of a new law to deal with the situation. This only points out the failure of the Australian Government to take necessary measures.
It is equally distressing to find the Indian Government unable to do anything in this respect except to lodge an official protest. This is the situation when Indian students went there at the invitation of the Australian Government, in a way. Australia should be reminded of the invitation extended to Indian students for studying there to help its educational institutions to earn foreign exchange.

Victims of Racial Violence
It is difficult to understand why the Indian Government is so very mind in defending the interests of students staying in Australia! It is, perhaps, because of this careless attitude of the Indian Government that the Australian Government does not go beyond expressing an official reaction to these incidents.
It must be borne in mind that in addition to being victims of violence, Indian students are facing many other problems in Australia. Teaching has stopped in some educational institutions. Some of them are even demanding higher fees from Indian students. These are nothing short of a kind of deceit.

Anarchic Situation
As the Indian Government is not conscious of the welfare of its citizens, no initiative is being taken at the international level to draw the world's attention to racial attacks on Indian students because of anarchic situation in Australia. Not much satisfaction can be derived from External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna's reminder to the Australian Government about its responsibility to investigate into the death of the Indian student in Melbourne and to punish the guilty.
India has expressed such reactions on earlier occasions also. It has now become essential for the Government of India to make Australia realize that such incidents will affect mutual trust in the relationship between the two countries.

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