Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blood-Soaked Afghanistan: Obama's Declaration of Pulling Out US Troops

The history of Afghanistan is blood-soaked. There is no end of blood-shed in Afghan history. At the latest spell, 60 persons were killed and 43 others were injured in a car bomb blast at Logger Province of the country. Although Taliban were blamed for this subversive design, they did not accept their involvement in the bomb explosions. Rather they strongly refuted the allegations. The puppet government of Hamid Karzai is ruling the country after the US-led military intervention in Afghanistan in the name of fighting back the Taliban regime. Still today huge number of American and British troops remained stationed in the mountainous country with a plea of protecting democracy and peace. Although Afghan people now dislike presence of foreign troops in their own soil, it has been internationally recognized that the Afghan citizens are playing the key role in maintaining peace and tranquility in the country.
National Building Activities
There are at least 68,000 US troops in Afghanistan. Besides, there are British soldiers. On 22 June Barack Obama declared to withdraw 33,000 US troops from there. He made the declaration while giving a speech at White House. Of them, 10,000 soldiers will be lifted this year, while the rest 23,000 will be pulled out by 2012. Obama said now is the appropriate time for the US troops to come back from Afghanistan and devote in national building activities. This declaration of the US President generated high acclamation world wide. He also faced instant criticism over such announcement. Even Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stressed on the political impact of the Obama's announcement. The Defense Secretary said the gradual diminishing trend of US public opinion against further staying of the US troops in Afghan soil is the major cause of such sudden decision of Barack Obama to pull back troops from there.
There are many debates over the merits and demerits of withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Discussions were held not only on the impact of Obama's declaration on Afghan situation but also on the total internal political arena of the United States. The political aspect of Obama's announcement has become more specific and clear from the statement of Hillary Clinton. She said Obama would pull out US troops from Afghanistan by July 2011. She further said lifting of troops from Afghanistan was the commitment of Obama to the nation. By giving declaration of withdrawal of solders from Afghanistan Obama has been just materializing his pledges to the nation.
Reducing US strength and Influence
It has not yet been possible to know from any survey report whether Obama's popularity has enhance owing to such declaration. But this declaration has created bitter reactions among the US commanders who are still stationed in Afghanistan. This is because withdrawing troops from Afghanistan would definitely reduce the strength and influence of the United States over Afghanistan. Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff of US Army Mike Mullen said that the announcement of President Obama is much more stronger than the suggestions given by the military commands. Chief of army staff of US troops in Afghanistan General David Petraus has also expressed similar opinion. But it was understood from their versions about the dangers that may descend on US troops in Afghanistan following such sudden announcement of army pull out from Afghanistan. It would definitely put the US military presence in Afghanistan on an awkward position.
Worldwide War on Terror
Although US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan as per Obama's declaration, it is sure that all soldiers would not leave Afghan soil right now. The year 2014 may be a target in this regard. Even if the US troops are withdrawn from the Afghanistan as per Obama's declaration, there would be presence of foreign troops in the country. They are allied forces of the United States. That means there would be foreign troops in Afghanistan to protect the interest of the western world. There is no reason for the Afghan people to be very joyful or enthusiastic over the Obama's declaration to pull out soldiers. It is apprehended that after Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameroon may give similar declaration. But Cameroon was strongly alerted about it right now. British Army Chief General Peter Wall said there is still doubt if the British soldiers could be withdrawn from Afghanistan by 2014, the deadline set earlier by the British Premier. Former British Army Chief Richard Dundy called upon the British Premier to remain alert over the impending risk of pulling out troops from Afghanistan. He said, "In no way Britain should be influenced by Obama's decision to withdraw troops from Afghan soil."
Richard's statement had proved beyond any amount of doubt that the declaration of Obama is very much political. In an interview Richard Dundy said Obama had given announcement of pulling out troops from Afghanistan purely for internal political reason. "I hope the United Kingdom will not put its step on Obama's traps." Dundy said adding "Cameroon would surely not like to see that Afghanistan be tinged with blood again."
Indiscriminately Killing Civil People
Although Hamid Karzai welcomed the Obama's declaration of army pullout, it is not still clear if such political stance of the United States would be beneficial for the Afghan people. The worldwide war on terror being launched by the United States, the United Kingdom, and their allies is not above controversy. While speaking at an Anti-Terrorism Conference in Teheran on 25 June, chief religious leader of Iran Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeini said that in the name of war against terror, the United States has been rearing the terrorists. They are indiscriminately killing civil people by launching drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, they are declaring so smugly war against terrorism in the world. The Palestinian people have been launching war in their own soils to materialize their demands to have their own independent and sovereign homeland. But the United States and some of its western allies are branding the Palestinians as terrorists. However, Obama has been contesting for the presidency of the United States for the second term. To maintain his popularity, Obama has to talks over establishment of peace in the Middle East like his declaration of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. It would be demonstrated through the poll-results how much confident the US people are on Obama's commitment.

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